Nagłówek Uniwersytetu Otwartego UAM

Nauki prawno-społeczne [kursy zdalne]

The Language of Leadership. Public Speaking in Multilingual Environments

Prowadzący: dr Artur Urbaniak

Liczba godzin: 14

Cena kursu: 260,00 zł

Forma zajęć: warsztaty

Język: angielski


Podstawowe informacje

Informacje o zapisach
Rozpoczęcie zapisów: 23.02.2024
Zamknięcie zapisów: 18.03.2024
Min. liczba uczestników: 18
Limit miejsc: 23

Zapisy na ten kurs
zostały zakończone.

Terminy i miejsca zajęć

Lp. Data Godzina
1. czwartek 11.04.2024 18:00 - 19:30
2. czwartek 18.04.2024 18:00 - 19:30
3. czwartek 25.04.2024 18:00 - 19:30
4. czwartek 9.05.2024 18:00 - 19:30
5. czwartek 16.05.2024 18:00 - 19:30
6. czwartek 23.05.2024 18:00 - 19:30
7. czwartek 6.06.2024 18:00 - 19:30

Informacje dotyczące programu kursu

Kurs odbywać się będzie w formie zdalnej.


Cele kursu

- to acquire public presentation skills based on the latest global trends;

- to overcome the fear of public speaking;

- to explore linguistic techniques of influence and manipulation;

- to improve self-presentation skills;

- to familiarize oneself with one's own body and voice as presentation tools;

- to learn the rules governing public speaking in a multicultural context.

Tematyka kursu

According to research, one of the key skills desired on the job market today (within the so-called soft skills) is the ability to communicate with audiences on a public forum, i.e. during official meetings, presentations or gatherings. This means that modern leaders are expected to demonstrate highly developed skills of self-presentation, managing their body and voice, and dealing with stage fright in the context of public speaking. In addition, the ability to win over an audience and gain their sympathy is also useful. This is because it has been observed that if a speaker is popular (in English there is a term likeability, meaning a set of qualities that make us like someone), our level of trust in such a person intuitively increases. The course is designed to familiarize participants with contemporary tools used in self-presentation and public speaking. During the meetings, participants will learn about their own limitations, overcome their fear of public speaking, and acquire new interpersonally attractive presentation skills. The topics of the meetings will also include such issues as: elements of storytelling, non-verbal communication and voice management, phrases for increasing the effectiveness of communication, building relationships with audiences, modern tools and platforms for creating presentations, dealing with stress and difficult and unforeseen situations in the context of public speaking.

Efekty uczenia się

The participants will:

- learn the principles of storytelling and tricks for capturing attention;

- learn how to give a presentation in accordance with the latest global trends (including the principles of storytelling, based on standards known from TED Talks or Toastmasters);

- expand their interpersonal communication and relationship-building (winning over an audience) skills.

- master linguistic techniques for effective communication.

Metody pracy

The teaching methods used during the course include Socratic method; activation method; project method; workshop method.

Informacje o egzaminie

egzamin nie jest obowiązkowy - jest przeznaczony dla słuchaczy, którzy chcą otrzymać Świadectwo Ukończenia Kursu. Warunkiem podejścia do egzaminu jest uczestniczenie w co najmniej 60% zajęć (8h) oraz terminowe dokonanie płatności za egzamin.

Cena egzaminu: 100,00 zł

To pass the final exam, the participants need to deliver a short presentation on a selected topic based on the principles discussed during the meetings.